Maroc Numeric Cluster Partnership

On Tuesday, January 30, the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform concluded a program contract with Maroc Numeric Cluster (MNC) with the aim of promoting the development of digital innovation, taking advantage of the experience acquired by MNC since its establishment in 2010. Both parties expressed their commitment to creating the necessary conditions to achieve the growth objectives of the digital sector and the associated roadmap.

Initially, MNC's action will focus on the talent dimension in order to support the growth of the digital sector in Morocco. This will notably involve the establishment of a large-scale training-integration offer, in response to the development of the offshoring sector and by improving the employability of young people in different regions of Morocco.

The structuring project called "JobIntech", launched in collaboration with MNC and CDG, is part of this first axis and offers qualifying training aimed at providing the labor market with sufficient qualified human resources in the field of IT and meeting the evolving business needs. The pilot phase of this project will include 1,000 learners, of whom 734 have already graduated, with an integration rate of 72%.

Furthermore, MNC will also focus its efforts on stimulating the ecosystem of start-ups and VSE-SMEs, by organizing training and collaborating with other organizations such as incubators, accelerators and professional associations.

Finally, Maroc Numeric Cluster's latest initiative will focus on monitoring and content production, essential elements for generating analyzes and studies on the latest trends, while stimulating innovation in the digital sector.

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